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Meyers & Flowers: Holding Property Owners Accountable

Property owners are legally obligated to maintain reasonably safe environments for visitors and tenants. This includes implementing appropriate security measures like proper lighting, functional locks, and security personnel when necessary. When they neglect these responsibilities, innocent people can suffer serious consequences.

If you've been injured due to inadequate security, Meyers & Flowers can help you seek justice. Each negligent security lawyer in Chicago on our team understands the complexities of negligent security cases and will fight for your right to compensation. You don't have to face this challenging situation alone - contact us to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Common Settings for Negligent Security Claims

Negligent security cases can arise in various locations where property owners fail to provide adequate safety measures. These settings include commercial properties, residential areas, and public spaces.

Commercial Properties

  • Shopping malls, hotels, and office buildings are common sites for negligent security claims. In these locations, you might encounter insufficient lighting in parking lots or stairwells. Lack of security personnel or malfunctioning surveillance cameras can also contribute to unsafe conditions.
  • Restaurants and bars may face claims due to inadequate crowd control or failure to address known safety risks. Retail stores might be liable if they don't implement proper security measures to prevent theft or assault.
  • Banks and ATMs require special security considerations. Failure to provide adequate protection for customers using these services can lead to liability.

Residential Areas

  • Apartment complexes and condominiums are frequent settings for negligent security claims. Property managers may be held responsible for not maintaining proper locks on doors and windows.
  • Gated communities can be liable if security gates malfunction or guards fail to monitor entrances effectively. Insufficient lighting in common areas like hallways, laundry rooms, or parking garages can also create dangerous conditions.
  • College dormitories and student housing present unique challenges. Inadequate access control systems or lack of trained security staff can lead to safety issues.

Public Spaces

  • Public transportation hubs like bus stations and train platforms require adequate security measures. Insufficient surveillance or lack of security personnel can lead to incidents.
  • Schools and universities may be liable for inadequate campus security. This may include insufficient access control, a lack of emergency response plans, or failure to address known safety threats.
  • Sports venues and concert halls must implement crowd control measures and provide adequate security staff. Failure to do so can result in claims if incidents occur during events.

What Areas of Law Cover Negligent Security Claims?

Negligent security claims typically fall under premises liability law, a subset of personal injury law. This area focuses on holding property owners responsible for injuries due to unsafe conditions on their premises.

Some other examples include the following:

  • Tort law also plays a crucial role in these cases. It provides the legal framework for seeking compensation when someone's negligence causes harm to another person.
  • You may encounter elements of contract law in some negligent security cases. This is particularly relevant if you have an agreement with the property owner, such as a lease or membership contract.
  • Criminal law intersects with negligent security claims as well. While the perpetrator faces criminal charges, the property owner's failure to prevent the crime can lead to civil liability.

Legal Principles of Negligent Security

Duty of Care

Property owners owe a duty of care to individuals lawfully on their premises. Here’s what you need to know:

  • This duty requires reasonable steps to maintain a safe environment. The extent of care depends on the property type and its intended use.
  • A higher standard of care is expected for businesses open to the public. Residential properties may have different requirements based on lease agreements and local laws.

Foreseeability of Harm

Next, you must prove that the harm was reasonably foreseeable to establish negligence. This involves examining factors like:

  • Prior criminal activity in the area
  • The property's location and surroundings
  • Time of day when incidents typically occur
  • Nature of the business or property use

Courts consider whether a reasonable person would have anticipated the risk of harm under similar circumstances.

Breach of Duty

After establishing that a duty of care existed, you’ll need to prove that a breach of that duty occurred. A breach occurs when property owners fail to take reasonable precautions against foreseeable risks. Examples include:

  • Inadequate lighting in parking lots or common areas
  • Broken locks or security systems
  • Lack of security personnel in high-crime areas
  • Failure to respond to known security threats

The required measures depend on the property type, location, and potential risks.


You must demonstrate that the property owner's negligence directly led to your injuries. This involves proving two elements:

  1. The injury wouldn't have occurred if proper security measures were in place
  2. The inadequate security was a substantial factor in causing harm


Finally, to succeed in a negligent security claim, you must show actual damages resulting from the incident. These may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage

Proving Negligence in Security-Related Personal Injury Cases

To establish negligence in security-related personal injury cases, you must gather compelling evidence, secure credible witness testimony, and leverage expert opinions. These elements form the foundation of a strong case.

Here are our top tips:

  • Start by obtaining surveillance footage from the incident location. This can provide visual proof of the security breach or attack. Collect any available police reports which offer official documentation of the incident.
  • Photograph the scene to capture any security vulnerabilities. Document inadequate lighting, broken locks, or malfunctioning security equipment. Preserve any physical evidence, such as weapons or damaged property.
  • Obtain maintenance records and security logs. These can reveal patterns of negligence or ignored security concerns. Medical records and bills are essential to prove the extent of your injuries and related expenses.
  • Eyewitness accounts can significantly strengthen your case. Identify and interview individuals who saw the incident or its aftermath. Their statements can corroborate your version of events and provide additional details.
  • Speak with other tenants or frequent visitors to the property. They may have experienced similar security issues or reported concerns to management. This can establish a pattern of negligence.
  • Interview security personnel who were on duty during the incident. Their testimony can reveal gaps in training, understaffing, or inadequate protocols. Document all witness statements promptly to preserve accuracy.
  • Expert witnesses lend credibility and specialized knowledge to your case. Security consultants can analyze the property's security measures and identify shortcomings. They can testify about industry standards and how the defendant failed to meet them.
  • Medical experts can explain the nature and long-term impact of your injuries. This helps quantify damages and future medical needs. Forensic experts may reconstruct the incident, providing insights into how proper security could have prevented it.

Defenses in Negligent Security Cases

Property owners and managers have several legal defenses available in negligent security cases. These defenses can potentially reduce or eliminate their liability for injuries sustained on their premises.

Comparative Negligence

Comparative negligence argues that the plaintiff shares some responsibility for their injuries. You may be found partially at fault if you:

  • Ignored posted warning signs
  • Entered restricted areas
  • Failed to take reasonable precautions for your safety

Here’s what else you need to know:

  • The court will assess the percentage of fault for each party, and your compensation may be reduced by your percentage of responsibility
  • If you were intoxicated or engaging in illegal activities at the time of the incident, this could significantly impact your case, as courts may view such behavior as contributing to your injuries
Closed off area

Assumption of Risk

This defense claims you knowingly accepted the risks associated with a particular situation. Property owners may argue you understood and willingly faced potential dangers.

Examples of assumed risk may include:

  • Entering a high-crime area late at night
  • Participating in dangerous activities on the property
  • Ignoring obvious hazards or security measures

Keep the following in mind:

  • To successfully use this defense, the property owner must prove you had knowledge of the specific risk and voluntarily chose to encounter it
  • Courts consider factors like your age, experience, and the circumstances surrounding the incident when evaluating the assumption of risk claims

Qualifications to Determine if You Have a Negligent Security Case

Several key factors must be present to determine if you have a negligent security case. These qualifications concern the property owner's failure to provide adequate security measures.

At Meyers & Flowers, we consider the following to determine whether you have a case:

  • Broken or missing locks on doors and windows
  • Insufficient lighting in parking lots, stairwells, or common areas
  • The absence of surveillance cameras or security guards
  • If guards are present but improperly trained
  • Faulty or non-existent alarm systems
  • Improperly secured entrances and exits
  • Failure to monitor security systems or respond to emergency call boxes in a timely manner
  • Inadequate crowd control measures at events or high-traffic areas
  • Failure to remove intoxicated or violent individuals from the premises
  • Neglecting to run background checks on employees

If the property owner has not complied with industry security standards, this strengthens your case. Each situation is unique, so it's important to consult with a legal professional at Meyers & Flowers to evaluate the specific details of your incident.

Meyers & Flowers Trial Attorneys

Who Can I Sue for Negligent Security in Illinois?

You can pursue negligent security claims against any of the following businesses or organizations:

  • Hotels and motels
  • Apartment complexes and condominiums
  • Bars, restaurants, lounges and clubs
  • Shopping centers, malls, supermarkets, and other retail outlets
  • Movie theaters
  • Sports and entertainment arenas
  • Schools, universities, and daycare centers
  • Churches, synagogues, and other religious centers
  • Office buildings
  • Parking lots and garages
  • Banks and ATM kiosks
  • Hospitals and nursing homes
  • Amusement parks and municipal parks
  • Swimming pools and sports facilities
  • Train stations, airports, and bus stations

What Compensation Can I Get for Negligent Security Cases?

In Illinois, you may be eligible for various types of compensation if you've been injured due to negligent security. The specific amount depends on the details of your case, but here are some common categories:

Medical Expenses

This covers costs for hospital stays, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and ongoing treatment related to your injuries.

Lost Wages

If your injuries prevented you from working, you can seek compensation for lost income and potential future earnings.

Pain and Suffering

You may receive damages for physical pain and emotional distress caused by the incident and its aftermath.

Property Damage

If any of your personal belongings were damaged or stolen during the incident, you can claim compensation for repair or replacement.

Punitive Damages

In cases of extreme negligence, the court may award additional damages to punish the property owner and deter similar behavior.

The total compensation can vary widely based on factors like:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • Impact on your daily life and ability to work
  • Degree of negligence by the property owner
  • Quality of evidence supporting your claim

Statute of Limitations for Negligent Security Cases in Illinois

In Illinois, the statute of limitations for negligent security cases typically falls under the broader category of personal injury claims. Generally, you have two years from the date of the incident to file a lawsuit. Failing to do so could result in losing your right to seek compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. However, it's crucial to consult with an experienced negligent security lawyer in Chicago as soon as possible, as specific circumstances may alter the applicable statute of limitations, such as when the victim is a minor or when the injury is not immediately discoverable.

Why Choose Meyers & Flowers for Your Negligent Security Claim in Illinois?

Choosing Meyers & Flowers for your negligent security claim in Illinois means placing your trust in a legal team with a proven track record of success. The firm has a history of securing significant settlements and verdicts for clients harmed due to inadequate security measures. With a deep understanding of Illinois law, including the statute of limitations and the complexities of premises liability, Meyers & Flowers ensures that your case is handled with the highest level of expertise and care.

What sets Meyers & Flowers apart is our compassionate approach to representation, ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve and guiding you through every step of the legal process with care and professionalism. Moreover, our firm operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay unless they win your case, ensuring that top-tier legal representation is accessible to everyone, regardless of financial circumstances.

Don’t wait to take action. Contact Meyers & Flowers today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward securing the justice you deserve in your negligent security claim.

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