Meyers & Flowers underinsured motorist award
On March 27, 2013 the firm’s client, Dave, a 60 year old carpenter, suffered severe injuries to his leg when a motorist insured by Allstate made a left turn in front of his motorcycle. The Allstate driver only had a $50,000 liability policy with AllState and he initially claimed Dave caused the accident by speeding. Trial attorneys Craig Brown and Ted Meyers secured compelling evidence from a nationally known accident reconstruction expert to convince Allstate Dave was not at fault and to pay Dave their full $50,000 policy. Nationwide Insurance Company sold a $500,000 Underinsured Motorist Policy to Dave’s business. Nationwide initially claimed their policy did not cover Dave’s accident because Dave was not using his motorcycle for business purposes at the time of the crash. Mr. Brown and Mr. Meyers were able to convince Nationwide to tender their full $500,000 policy limits only 9 months after the crash. “We are thrilled to help Dave obtain this award so quickly. It will allow him to take care of his family and protect his construction business while he continues to recover from his injuries “said Mr. Brown. According to Mr. Meyers, “most accidents are caused by negligent drivers with low insurance policy limits. Thus, we encourage everyone to purchase high levels of underinsured motorist coverage so they can protect themselves and their families if they are victimized.”
Contact us for a motorcycle accident lawyer in Chicago.